Import document groups in stripe using React

Transform how you manage documents with unparalleled ease and efficiency. Experience hassle-free document setup that elevates your productivity.
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Fast to deploy
Powerful & secure

Superior features to power any use case

airSlate’s document generation API comes with advanced capabilities that other solutions lack, including dynamic table generation and displaying custom data hierarchies.

Full document generation for developers

Equip yourself with every tool you need to generate professional documents, including fillable fields, merge fields, templates, webhooks, and more.

Conditional document sections to serve multiple regions and languages

Generate region-specific documents and contracts that can be localized with specific legal text.

Document generation + eSignature

Generate pre-filled documents and send them for eSignature via the API.
Tags for some popular fillable fields
Once a document has been generated out of a DOCX template, text tags added to your document will show up automatically as fillable fields.

Automate interactions with PDF documents in your app

Make on‑the‑go changes to PDFs, complete and share customer forms, collaborate across teams, and quickly create and update templates while safeguarding sensitive data.
PDF Editing
Document Management
PDF Converter
PDF Split
PDF Merge
PDF Compress
Password Protect
Barcodes & QR Codes

PDF Editing

Embed a customizable PDF editor with signature, text, drawing, and annotation tools.
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Create reusable templates from documents and share them with multiple recipients.
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Document Management

Complete various actions with your PDFs:
  • Upload a document
  • Download a document
  • Create a link to a document
  • Add and delete document tags
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PDF Converter

Convert PDF to DOCX, DOCX to PDF, and Excel to PDF.
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Create a PDF document from an HTML page while retaining original formatting, images, and text.
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PDF Split

Split PDFs into multiple smaller documents for easy management and sharing.
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PDF Merge

Create a single PDF from several existing documents to avoid the hassle of opening and sending multiple documents.
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PDF Compress

Compress a PDF document to reduce its size and save disk space, improve file transfer times, and make it easier to share.
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Password Protect

Lock a PDF document with a password to prevent unauthorized users from accessing it.
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Add a watermark to a PDF document. Customize the watermark text, orientation, opacity, size, and color.
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Barcodes & QR Codes

Generate high-quality QR code and barcode images. Choose from multiple types of supported barcodes depending on your region and use case.
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Access files directly from your preferred storage solution. The PDF API supports the following cloud storage services:
  • Internal storage
  • pdfFiller storage
  • Amazon S3
  • Google Drive
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Embed advanced document generation tools in your app

API documentation
See our detailed API documentation to kickstart deployment.
Solution engineers
Get in touch with our tech experts to pick the right solution for your unique needs.

Why Document Automation Hub?

Deliver a rich user experience with airSlate’s award-winning technologies for document workflow automation.
Complete set of APIs
airSlate covers all your document automation needs ranging from document generation, conditional workflows, and smart forms to embedded PDF editing and eSignatures.
Cost-effective & scalable
Benefit from reduced development and maintenance costs with airSlate’s industry expertise, technical excellence, and scalable, usage-based pricing.
Slash development cycles with airSlate’s clear API structure, detailed documentation, code examples, and a centralized dashboard to monitor API usage and reporting.

Enterprise-grade security and compliance

airSlate is committed to protecting your sensitive information by complying with global industry-leading security standards.
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Watch DocGen API in action

Dynamic tables, nested lists, conditional sections, and more.
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Our user reviews speak for themselves

Shermaine Chloe G.
Employee Services Manager
“The best thing about airSlate is how they've made it very easy for people without a programming background to set up flows.”
Adam Beaty
Bullogic Wealth Management
“The ease of being able to create forms, PDFs, and other documents that link right into Salesforce has been instrumental in cutting down our processing times and increasing our customer satisfaction.”
Jim Royster
“The Bots and workflow routing have been beneficial in allowing us to pull data from Salesforce, pre-fill documents, and then route those documents to various clients for signature.”
Guillermo Gameros
“I would highly recommend airSlate to any business leader who is looking to increase efficiency in their workforce. My team and I have gained precious minutes in our prospecting time.”
Sam Ginzberg
Royal Care
“Great tool for automation! No need for dual entry eliminated the risk of errors. Completing paperwork and getting signatures turned into a breeze.”
Michael Moore
Transition Insurance Agency
“airSlate has been a great addition to our business! It integrates well with Salesforce allowing our team to seamlessly get custom documents ready for signatures within our Salesforce record!”
Julia Whitfield
Champ Plan Advisors
“Amazing Platform, customized for our special needs! Sophisticated, smart & cutting-edge!”
Menachem Tauber
Lubavitch Educational Center
“Automations that took me over 100 hours using Google sheets and scripts, can now be set up in airSlate in just 20-30 hours.”
Brian Del Terzo
“There is no more all inclusive workflow solution like it!”
Mark Mc Nichol
In At The Deep End
“We’re getting information and data back from customers, and internal HR related documents quicker than ever before.”
Users on trusted review platforms recognize and approve airSlate solutions
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Ready to kickstart your DocGen integration?

Create your sandbox account and test the API for free.

Learn more about automation APIs

Check our blog for expert insights, the latest updates, and helpful guides to get the most out of Document Automation Hub.
Blog img
Forms API: An easy-to-use API for mobile-friendly web forms
Forms — ugh. Managing their workflows and data is a tedious and repetitive task. Fortunately, airSlate’s Document Automation Hub API enables developers to build end-to-end document automation services that support the inclusion of forms. The steps in the workflow involving forms can be integrated with steps involving PDFs and other types of documents.
Blog img
Building an automated patient onboarding app with APIs
Healthcare organizations increasingly utilize document automation to manage and send critical patient communications. Healthcare professionals recognize that healthcare communications are much faster and cheaper when done electronically, using paperless document automation services that can track each step of a standard process. Healthcare document management software streamlines and automates your patient communication workflow, making it easier… Read more →
Blog img
airSlate introduces Document Automation Hub: Enabling developers to access multiple APIs from a unified platform
airSlate, which offers an all-in-one document workflow automation solution, is introducing Document Automation Hub. With its help, developers can access, manage, and automate a comprehensive suite of document workflow APIs from one location. By seamlessly integrating PDF editing, document generation, data collection, eSignature, and forms, the Document Automation Hub aims to revolutionize the development process… Read more →
Blog img
Automate eSignature and document workflows for purchase orders: A developer’s guide
At many companies, it’s common to have the ability to generate purchase orders from data housed in your CRM, ERP, or backend systems. What’s missing is automating the process of getting those documents signed and approved following your company’s business practices. You need a solution that offers seamless integration with your existing systems and is… Read more →
Blog img
Document generation using API: Create and automate an NDA Flow for a new employee using simple API calls
The airSlate API empowers even non-tech-savvy users to integrate document generation functionality into their native software – websites, CRMs, and custom applications. Citizen developers can use well-documented endpoints to create pre-filled documents, distribute them among recipients, and save executed documents to the cloud.
Blog img
How to build dynamic webforms using API: A step-by-step guide
Webforms are a versatile and valuable tool for businesses of all sizes. They help generate leads, increase conversions, and improve the customer experience.  airSlate has developed Document Automation Hub, a comprehensive suite of APIs for organizations whose needs go beyond just eSignature and are looking to fully automate their document processes within their applications. Document… Read more →
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New airSlate API to empower developers and IT teams to create customized, flexible data integrations
airSlate, which offers an all-in-one document workflow automation solution, is introducing a robust API.
Blog img
signNow API empowers businesses to integrate eSignature features into any application
The intuitive and powerful signNow API by airSlate provides users with a seamless eSignature experience within any website, CRM, or custom app. As the demand for API technology is rapidly increasing, signNow reports that the number of signNow API users grew by 130% over the past year. ISVs of all sizes trust signNow and are… Read more →
Blog img
Forms API: An easy-to-use API for mobile-friendly web forms
Forms — ugh. Managing their workflows and data is a tedious and repetitive task. Fortunately, airSlate’s Document Automation Hub API enables developers to build end-to-end document automation services that support the inclusion of forms. The steps in the workflow involving forms can be integrated with steps involving PDFs and other types of documents.
Blog img
Building an automated patient onboarding app with APIs
Healthcare organizations increasingly utilize document automation to manage and send critical patient communications. Healthcare professionals recognize that healthcare communications are much faster and cheaper when done electronically, using paperless document automation services that can track each step of a standard process. Healthcare document management software streamlines and automates your patient communication workflow, making it easier… Read more →

Import document groups in stripe using React for greater efficiency

Any company needs various small paperwork operations a day to guarantee all processes run correctly. Normally, the more time your employees spend managing documents, the less time they will have for intellectually challenging or strategic tasks. For that reason, Document Automation Hub enables to import document groups in stripe using React and run the repetitive paperwork processes automatically, saving hours for tasks that requires human involvement.

Incorporate airSlate WorkFlow functionalities straight into your app to stay focused on the big picture

Actions to import document groups in stripe using React

  1. Sign up for a free developer account.
  2. Log in to the Automation Hub Dashboard.
  3. Add your app with the relevant button to connect it to APIs.
  4. Navigate to Recent Applications and select the app you just added.
  5. Select the grant type that suits your needs.
  6. Acquire the Bearer access token to employ for API calls for workflow automation.
  7. Launch the workflow and handle documents right from your app.

Allocate time for strategic tasks while airSlate WorkFlow automation manages the routine. Explore more document management opportunities with this effective solution.

Questions & answers

Here is a list of the most common customer questions. If you can t find an answer to your question, please don't hesitate to each out to us.
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